pb: jessica lowndes / third person past or present tense + threads / ftb or adult / all the scenes / ooc-chat friendly ©
Heather Faridah Kirke
b. September 23, 1991 in Santa Monica, CA. Resides in Huntington Beach, CA. / Single (Kinsey 1.5) / seamstress + event planner

family David Kirke (father, 56), sable kirke (nee mekkaoui, mother, 52), shoshana kirke (older sister), lyra kirke (twin sister), desmond kirke (younger brother)
• Growing up with four boisterous children in the house has caused all six of the kirkes to be inherently loud. heather is always the one of her friends being shushed during movies.
• Heather began high school like most fourteen year olds: awkward in both behavior and appearance, hormonal, and coming to terms with the fact that life isn't fair. She developed earlier than most of the girls in her class and felt she stuck out like a sore thumb, causing her to spend her freshman year drowning in a sea of self esteem issues. No clothing fit her in any way she felt flattering, and resorted to wearing baggier clothes for a more tomboyish look.
• Heather decided to take home economics for her elective that sophomore year as a lover of cooking and discovered her passion instead for sewing. However, the class was more focused on the cooking aspect with significantly fewer sewing projects so she began saving up to purchase a sewing machine of her own.
• She explored her sewing talents, beginning a lifelong love of apparel design that would propel her right into her career. Her parents had always wanted her to be a lawyer or a doctor, so they were soured to the idea of a fashion designer from the start. However, the dream was so big, they quickly discovered there wouldn't be an easy means of changing her mind.
• Armed with the power of making her own clothing, she was able to control every curve, twist and stitch of her apparel, and soon learned to love her own body. Heather blossomed from the awkward child that walked into the halls of her high school to an impressive young woman -- best of all, one that was happy. As college approached, she shied away from applying to the standard four year institutions as most of them didn't offer very extensive art programs and nearly nothing in fashion design. Living in the Los Angeles area gave her an advantage in that department, and she decided that the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising would be the next step in her education. • Heather had always been a perfect student, but her chapter at FIDM began a time in her life where her classes consistently engaged her and kept her fiercely interested. She excelled enormously in her classes, exhibiting her natural gift for design as she zeroed in on the major of Advanced Fashion Design. • When she walked away with her degree, she hadn't completely planned for what life would bring. She struggled to find a job in a vast and competitive field of networks that she had no easy way into. It would take some time before she managed to find a job in the industry, so she started doing alterations on the side.
• Opening her Etsy store, she began selling her apparel designs for reasonable prices, hoping to make a little extra money. What she discovered was that people actually wanted her work and she built up not only a network of online vendors but a micro fan base as well.
• Late 2013 is when her passion for fashion led her to create Sew Chic, a blog of helpful step-by-step tutorials and articles about her process in apparel creation. It began with a modest following, but quickly gained traction thanks to her etsy following. This was something she felt could give her an advantage in the industry so she began including it on her resumes. It really did make the difference as soon she landed a position as an associate accessory designer for soho. Despite kicking off the position with the mentality that this was literally her dream job, that quickly faded when it became clear that her idea of style was not compatible with the brand. She remained with the company for an entire year before she finally quit. Sew Chic was generating enough profit to be a reasonable income so it became her full time job.
• Heather is currently still wholly supported by Sew Chic. However, her etsy site is still as busy as ever as she sells her handmade apparel and accessory pieces as well as performs custom commissions.
  • Resides in Huntington Beach in a studio apartment on the fifth floor.
  • Attended FIDM where she obtained her degree in advanced fashion design.
  • She has never dyed her hair.
  • Drives a 2010 Navy blue manual Toyota Corolla.
  • Personality wise, she's bubbly and generally makes friends easily. She's a social person, having grown up constantly surrounded by other people and would much rather spend time in the company of others than on her own. Her dating history is peppered mostly in short-lived relationships as she's a very career oriented person. She's trying to focus on a broader range of things, she swears.